coordsim.reader package


coordsim.reader.reader module


Parse simulator config params in specified yaml file and return as Python dict


Get the list of SFs and their properties from the yaml data.


Get the list of SFCs from the yaml data.

coordsim.reader.reader.read_network(file, node_cap=None, link_cap=None)

Read the GraphML file and return list of nodes and edges.


finds the all pairs shortest paths using Johnson Algo sets a dictionary, keyed by source and target, of all pairs shortest paths with path_delays in the network as an attr. key: (src, dest) , value: ([nodes_on_the_shortest_path], path_delay) path delays are the sum of individual edge_delays of the edges in the shortest path from source to destination

coordsim.reader.reader.weight(edge_cap, edge_delay)

edge weight = 1 / (cap + 1/delay) => prefer high cap, use smaller delay as additional influence/tie breaker

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